Mining Materials

Mining Matetials

We harness strategic position of Africa’s mineral industry as the next frontier for global industrial growth and economic development. We responsibly source, store, consolidate, transport and ship metals & mineral resources from Africa to global processors and other large trading houses in Europe, Asia, Middle East & America.
Global Suppliers of Metals and Mineral Resources from Africa
The International Center For Import and Export provides a professional, safe & disciplined approach, definitive edge and competitive gateway to a diverse portfolio of metals and mineral resources from Africa. Our proprietary experience and impeccable knowledge of Africa transcends borders. Our minerals supply chain is founded on sustainable strategy of empowering Africa development through responsible mining and investment.

We offer optimum supply solutions for base metals; concentrates and ores; rare metals; precious metals and mineral resources from Africa. This is facilitated through a mixture of off-take agreements, joint ventures, forwards, term and spot contracting among other strategic purchase and supply agreements with our upstream, midstream and downstream partners across Africa.

Metals & mineral resource supply chain continuity:

Our competitive advantage is in risk management, financing, unique value sharing and long term strategic cooperation with the multiple upstream producer partners across Africa; this offers our customers from all over the world rare opportunity of guaranteed product availability throughout the year while at the same time optimizing scalability, flexibility and efficiency.

Metals and Mineral Resources

Iron Ore
Calcium Carbonate
Refractory Metals
Rare Earth Metals